Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant, Turkey

Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant, Turkey

Service: Structural and Seismic Evaluation

Client: Turkish Atomic Energy Agency (TAEK)

Scope: Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is expected to comprise four units of WWER-1200 type reactors; it will be constructed and operated in Mersin Province under the agreement signed with the Russian Federation in 2010. The power unit of Akkuyu includes a reactor plant and a turbine plant. The primary circuit consists of a reactor, four reactor coolant loops, four reactor coolant pumps, heating parts of four steam generators and one steam pressurizer. The turbine is equipped with condensing unit, regenerative installation for heating of feed water. There are unregulated steam extraction for the NPP auxiliary needs and for heating of chemically treated water additives in the circuit.


As part of licensing and regulation activities of Turkish Atomic Energy Agency (TAEK), MATRiSEB reviewes and provides independent consultancy evaluations for Chapter 3 of the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR). MATRiSEB evaluates conformity of the probabilistic safety analysis calculations for site hazard and soil-structure interaction analysis to the international nuclear industry standards and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regulations.

Project Contact(s): Yalçın Bulut

Date Completed

20 February 2019


Nuclear, Structural & Seismic